
Friday, 20 May 2011

Find Your Middle Point

Have you ever been told that sometimes you are 'this' and not 'that'? And when you are being 'that', they will say that you are being 'that' and not 'this'?

You have? Oh well, this news ain't new to the world babe and dudes. Rather than just pointing out the middle finger, best way is to just find you middle person. Middle person not as someone to pass message over, but rather to act in the in-between, of 'this' and 'that'.

I don't know what people always have against me. I'm not a terrorist, nor am I a Nazi. I am just an ordinary human that does about with his own business. I have not harm anyone in anyway. I have not disturb the peace of nations nor race.

But no matter what they tells me about me. That I am 'this' and not 'that' or that I should be more of 'that'. Well screw them all. Being a wall is better. Being a zombie is better. From one minute of being 'this', change to being 'that', and in the end, I only hurt my own feelings.

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